Thursday, February 27, 2020

Exam critically the role of the servicesape in manipuating customer's Essay

Exam critically the role of the servicesape in manipuating customer's decision making approach and avoidance behaviours - Essay Example Service could also be totally intangible like the cellular phone services. Servicescape refers to the style and appearance of the physical surroundings where the customers and the service provider interact. In the increasingly competitive environment companies have been challenged to augment their core services with value-added benefits which would help them to sustain competitive advantage. The outcome of service experience is evaluated not merely in terms of utility but also from an experiential perspective. For instance gourmet food can be made available at sporting events. Thus emphasis is given on managing the service firm’s physical facility. All these value-added service help to enhance revenue and hence servicescape has become a focal point in the delivery of customer delight. This paper will critically examine the role of the servicescape in manipulating customers decision making approach and avoidance behaviors in all three types of distribution channels. The physical environment is an important determinant of consumer perceptions and future behaviors. This makes it important to understand how the physical environment leads to consumer outcome behaviors. The role of physical environment is that it should attract attention. The servicescape acts as a package and the first impression is created which influences the customer what to expect inside the place of purchase. Compared to competition, the servicescape should stand out. In the case of Disneyworld it acts as a differentiator. The physical environment should also be able to create and deliver a message. Hotels use symbolic cues to communicate with customers about quality and the nature of service. It acts as a facilitator as a well-designed facility can make the experience pleasurable for the customer. Thirdly, the physical environment should create an impact through its dà ©cor and landscaping, through

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Western Heritage I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Western Heritage I - Essay Example The Binzantine civilization was predominantly Christian in religion, the culture and language was Greek and the administrative authority was the Roman Empire. This civilization was fortressed such that it was protected from attacks from both sea and land. The Islamic civilization started among the Arabs of Arabia. This civilization was founded by Mohammed, a prophet who lived from 570-632 AD. In terms of religious and political order, Muslims used the Koran, a Holy book. According to the Muslims, their faith was the fulfillment of both Judaism and Christianity. Mohammed played a powerful role in bringing together Arabian tribes who constantly warred and diverted their energy to spreading of the Muslim faith. Mohammed was succeeded by Abu-Bakr, a caliph, who ruled according to Koran. The political system was basically theocratical; the government and religion were one and same thing. The Islamic civilization was characterized by common language, common culture and common faith. The Arab dominance eventually began to wane from the 11th Century. Latin Christendom existed in central and Western Europe. Though Islamic and Byzantine civilizations had immense predominance during their time, neither had as much influence in science, technology, philosophy, economics and politics as did Latin Christendom. During the middle age, Latin Christendom was culturally less advanced than the Eastern Civilizations. However, this changed in the twelfth century as Latin civilization began to advance. In medieval Europe, feudalism referred to a social system in which the lords provided military service for the vassals in exchange for land. This system resulted from the failing dominance of the central authority. The period preceding this was characterized by wars, no public revenues and reducing trade activities. Though it provided a replacement for the former system, it was not in itself organized with a basis of logic and foundational